
1: Operating Voltage : DC 8-25V(DC 9V 12V 15V 24V)

2: Operating Current : 9-13MA

3: MODBUS RTU Command support 03 06 function code

4: IN1/IN2 channel current measurement range is 0-25MA(for 0-20MA/4-20MA)

5: Current resolution is 0.1MA, measurement accuracy is 1%; if the error is greater than 1%, it can be calibrated

6 :MODBUS commands can be made serial HyperTerminal (serial assistant)  OR PLC Enter;

7 :Under the MODBUS command mode, it can support up to 247 devices in parallel

8 :Size: 30 * 15 * 4.3mm(no PIN)

9 :Weight: 1.7g(no PIN),2.2g(with PIN)


Modbus RTU Command Please refer to : "N46IB02 modbus rtu protocol"







Wiring diagram:


Slave ID: Different "Sliver ID" can be set by command, the maximum number is 247

Under the MODBUS command mode,the slave ID must be correct

Command Description, Please refer to " N4AIA04 modbus rtu protocol "








N46IB02 modbus rtu protocol

Function code

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Register address (2)

Read number (2)

CRC16 (2)


03  Read





06  Write





Read-only register,Read Function code Is 03

Register address

Register contents

Number of bytes




(CH1)IN1 Current value



such as:

Get 0x00C8

Decimal 200

Current= 2000 * 0.1 = 20MA


(CH2)IN2 Current value

Read / write register; Read function code is 03 ,Write function code is 06


(CH1)IN1 Current ratio




This value can be corrected when the Current reading deviation is greater than 1%, such as:

1000 means 1:1

1010: 1% increase

990: 1% decrease


(CH2)IN2 Current ratio


RS485 address

(Station address)



Read Address 0XFF

Write Address 1-247


Baud rate



0~4     0:1200

1:2400  2:4800



5: Factory reset



Serial baud rate9600default),N81




Modbus RTU Communication protocol

1.      Read Current value

Send data

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Register address (2)

Read number (2)



Returns data

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Number of bytes  (1)

data (n)


RS485 address(Slave ID) : 0x01~0xFE

   Function code 0x03

   Register address0x0000-0x0001, Indicates 1-2channel value

Read number0x0001-0x0002


Read Current:

The return of the Current value is two bytesHigh-bit in the former and low-bit in the post,convert it to decimal and divided by 10, is the Current value, Unit 0.1MA; for example:


For example:

Send data(RS485 address is 1)01 03 00 00 00 01 84 0A

Returns data01 03 02 00 78 B8 66

01 RS485 address03 Function02 lengthB8 66 crc16

0078 is the Current value, it is converted to decimal = 120, 1200/10=12MA



2.      Read RS485 address

Send data

RS485 address

(Broadcast address)


Function (1)

Register address (2)

Read number (2)



Returns data

RS485 address

( Broadcast address )


Function (1)

Number of bytes  (1)

data (n)



Broadcast address 0xff

   Function code 0x03

Register address0x000E

Read number0x0001


For example:

send dataFF 03 00 0E 00 01 F0 17

Returns dataFF 03 02 00 01 50 50

FF Broadcast address03 Function02 length01 is the current module RS485 address , 50 50 crc16

Note: When using this command, only one temperature module can be connected to the RS485 bus, more than one will be wrong!



3.      Write RS485 address

Send data

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Register address (2)

Setting Content  (2)



Returns data

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Register address


Register value  (2)


RS485 address(Slave ID) : 0x01~0xFE

   Function code 0x06

Register address0x000E

Setting Content2Bytes(1-247)



For example, The current RS485 address is 1, We need to change the RS485 address to 3:

send data(RS485 address is 1)01 06 00 0E 00 03 A8 08

Returns data01 06 00 0E 00 03 A8 08


4.      Read baud rate

Send data

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Register address (2)

Read number (2)



Returns data

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Number of bytes  (1)

data (n)


RS485 address(Slave ID) : 0x01~0xFE

   Function code 0x03

Register address0x000F

Read number0x0001

For example:

send data(RS485 address is 1)01 03 00 03 00 01 74 0A

Returns data01 03 02 00 03 F8 45

01 RS485 address03 Function02 lengthF8 45 crc16

   03 means the current baud rate is 9600bps

Baud rate corresponds to the number: 0: 1200  1: 2400  2: 4800  3: 9600  4: 19200


5.      Write RS485 address

Send data

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Register address (2)

Setting Content  (2)



Returns data

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Register address


Register value  (2)


RS485 address(Slave ID) : 0x01~0xFE

   Function code 0x06

Register address0x000F

Setting Content2Bytes(0-4)


For example, Change the baud rate to 4800bps:

send data(RS485 address is 1)01 06 00 0F 00 02 38 08

Returns data01 06 00 0F 00 02 38 08

Baud rate corresponds to the number: 0: 1200  1: 2400  2: 4800  3: 9600  4: 19200

5: Factory reset

Note: 1 The baud rate will be updated when the module is powered up again!

     2 The factory setting can be restored when the baud rate corresponding to the number is 5. For example: 01 06 00 0F 00 05 79 CA



6.      Read current ratio:

Send data

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Register address (2)

Read number (2)



Returns data

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Number of bytes  (1)

data (n)


RS485 address(Slave ID) : 0x01~0xFE

   Function code 0x03

Register address0x0007-0x0008 ; Indicates 1-2 channel value

Read number0x0001-0x0002

Return data: 0.1%  millesimal

The voltage ratio can be corrected by this value when the voltage reading deviation is greater than 1%. The default value is 1000 (3E8).

For example 1:

send data(RS485 address is 1)01 03 00 07 00 01 35 CB;  07 is Channel 1

Returns data01 03 02 03 E8 B8 FA 

03E8 is the voltage ratio, which is 1000 in decimal and divided by 1000=1; indicating that channel 1 does not need to modify the voltage value.

For example 2:

send data(RS485 address is 1)01 03 00 08 00 01 05 C8; 08 is Channel 2 

Returns data01 03 02 03 DE 38 EC

03DE is the voltage ratio, which is 990 in decimal and divided by 1000=0.99; Indicates that channel 2 reads 0.99 times the actual acquisition value.


7.      Set current ratio

The current ratio can be corrected by this value when the current reading deviation is greater than 1%. The default value is 1000 (3E8).

Send data

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Register address (2)

Setting Content  (2)



Returns data

RS485 address

(Station address)


Function (1)

Register address


Register value  (2)


RS485 address(Slave ID) : 0x01~0xFE

   Function code 0x06

Register address0x0007-0x0008 ; Indicates 1-2 channel value

Setting Content2Bytes


Setting value: 2 bytes, unit 0.1%. When this value is set to 1000 (3E8), the voltage value does not change.

For example 1: The actual current of channel 1 is 5.0MA, but the read value is only 4.0MA. The ratio deviation is 5/4=1.25, and the correction voltage ratio is changed to 1250, which can correct the current.

Send frame: 01 06 00 07 04 E2 BA 82

Return frame: 01 06 00 07 04 E2 BA 82

The return frame is the same as the send frame. 07 means channel 1, 04 E2 means correction voltage ratio is 1250


For example 2: The actual current of channel 1 is 4.0MA, but the read value is only 5.0MA. The ratio deviation is 4/5=0.8, and the correction current ratio is changed to 800, which can correct the current.

Send frame: 01 06 00 08 03 20 09 20

Return frame: 01 06 00 08 03 20 09 20

The return frame is the same as the send frame. 08 means channel 2, 03 20 means correction voltage ratio is 800



MODBUS commands you can use "Modbus Poll" input, as shown below

CRC check generated automatically

You can also use HyperTerminal serial input, as shown below

Manually add CRC check